HOLD ALLE BUDENE Side 68, BARNAS SANGBOK for Jesu Kristi Kirke av Siste Dagers Hellige (1995) mp3 (CD 3:34)
1. Hold alle budene, hold alle budene.
Vi får velsignelser, vi får velsignelser. Lytt til profeten: Hold alle budene. Da vil vi føle trygghet og fred.
2. Vi er Guds kjære barn, vi er Guds kjære barn, og vi må bli prøvet og vise vår tro Stole på løftene, stole på løftene. Adlyd profeten: Hold alle budene. Da vil vi føle trygghet og fred.
Tekst og musikk: Barbara A. McConochie, f. 1940 © 1975 SDH Obligat: Barbara A. McConochie © 1989 SDH. Arr. Darwin Wolford © 1986, 1989 Deseret Book Company. Brukt med tillatelse. Sangen kan kopieres til ikke-kommersiell bruk i hjem eller kirke. Se også Salmer (1993) nr. 189, tostemt.
HISTORIE: Da president Harold B. Lee ble ordinert til president for kirken, møtte han etterpå pressen og ble spurt: ”Dersom De bare kunne gi ett råd til Kirkens medlemmer, hva ville De da si?” Han svarte: ”Hold budene.”
- Sitert fra ”President Harold B. Lee ordinert til Kirkens ellevte president”, Lys over Norge, nov. 1972
Denne uttalelsen fra pres. Lee inspirerte Barbara A. Morley til å sette musikk til ordene. (Primærbulletin nr.7 1975)
This song was adapted from words spoken by Pres. Harold B. Lee the day he was ordained as President of the Church. He stated: ”The greatest message that one in this position could give to the membership f the Church is to keep the commandments of God, for therin lies the safety of the individual. Keep the commandments. There could be nothing that I could say that would be a more powerful or important message today.” Ensign Aug.1972, p.20
Song presentation: Show a set of scriptures and a bicycle helmet (or other safety device). Ask, “How are these two things alike?” (They can both keep us safe if used correctly.) Explain that the scriptures keep us safe by teaching us God’s commandments. Sing the first two lines of “Keep the Commandments” (CS, pp. 146-147). Invite the children to sing the first two lines with you, then ask, “In keeping the commandments there is what?” (Safety and peace.) Sing the third line of the song, have the children sing it with you, then have them sing lines one through three. Ask, “When we keep the commandments, what happens?” (We receive blessings because we are obedient.) Tell the children that keeping the commandments is so important that we sing about them again at the end of the song. Sing “Words of a prophet: Keep the commandments,” and have the children sing it back to you. Have them sing the entire song up to this point. Ask, “What does the prophet tell us to do?” (Keep the commandments.) Sing the last line of the song to the children. Have them repeat this line, then sing the entire song together. As you sing the song again, ask the children to discover how many times the song tells us to “keep the commandments” (three), that “in this there is safety” (two), and that “He will send blessings” (two). Bear your testimony of the importance of keeping God’s commandments. (The Friend, May 2001.) |